So while we may never know what Obi Wan kept in that chest, I want to show you some of the treasures that are in the Jundland Wastes Podcast treasure chest. Yes, it's true...the TJW Podcast has a small treasure chest that is safely hidden away in the Jundland Wastes. Hopefully all Tusken Raiders and Jawas will never find this secret location in the sands of Tatooine. But for our faithful listeners I thought it would be fun to show you some of my finds for the TJW Treasure Chest.
Today are some autographs that I have had the good fortune of receiving through the mail or at a convention. Let us know what you think!
Amy Allen who played Jedi Master Aayla Secura

Catherine Taber who voices Padme Amidala in The Clone Wars

David Prowse who IS Darth Vader

Jeremy B who plays the awesome Boba Fett

James Earl Jones who voiced the greatest villain of all time...Darth Vader!

Jake Lloyd who played young Anakin Skywalker in Episode 1.

Peter Mayhew as the mighty Chewbacca!

Carrie Fisher as the first lady of the Star Wars universe Princess Leia Organa

Pete Sumner as the Imperial Officer who kept saying, "TK421 do you copy??" in Ep 4.

Shannon McRandle who plays Luke's lovely red headed Jedi wife Mara Jade!

Tom Kane who voices the wisest of all...Jedi Master Yoda

Orli Shoshan who plays Jedi Master Shaak-Ti. She signed this autograph in Hebrew!
More treasures to be unveiled soon! Have any treasures you want to share with us? Send us an email and attach a pic. We'll post it on future posts and mention it on the next podcast!
All the best fellow travelers of the Jundland Wastes!
Co-host of the TJW Podcast
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